الأربعاء، 22 يونيو 2011

Mask barley stressful for the skin * Ingredients: 2 tablespoons powdered barley + 2 tablespoon of minced fresh mint paper + 2 tablespoon honey with two tablespoons of milk. * Usage: turn the barley, honey and mint with a fork then add the milk and put the mask on the skin for thirty minutes and then rinse face with cold water. . Yoghurt and mud mask to treat acne enter the yogurt in the preparation of many of the skincare and special masks to effect moisturizer, nutritious and used this mask for deep cleaning of the skin helps to remove the fatty skin, fat and rid of blackheads, acne and is used once a week failed to conduct even the skin of the drought. * Ingredients: 12 tablespoon yogurt + 2 tablespoon clay + 2 tablespoon water potatoes. * Use: There is mud on the skin in pharmacies, either to fetch water, potato water, which is climbing all the potato mix and placed on the skin for twenty minutes and then rinse face with warm water and put moisturizing cream for the skin.

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