الأربعاء، 22 يونيو 2011

Tomato mask for the skin fatty tomatoes are one of the best depends upon the narrow pores of the face to force the clutch for the skin Ingredients: Tomato fruit + peel half of the Imonh + some drops of lemon juice. * Use: mashing tomatoes and fruit Izaf humans lemon peel and juice, and put the mask on the skin for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with warm water. Banana mask to resist wrinkles banana fruits rich in vitamins, making it one of the best foods for healthy skin, hair and uses the juice of her father condemns Vicsabha smoothness and vitality * Ingredients: fruit banana + Three tablespoons milk * Usage: mashed bananas and fruit mixed with milk and then distributed to the skin with a focus on places wrinkles and leave for 15 minutes and then rinse with
Masks. Pears mask for dry skin pear fruits rich in vitamins nutrients to the body in addition to the effect of a humidifier and refreshing for dry skin Specials. * Ingredients: a quarter of the fruit of pear + egg eggs + half tablespoon honey * Usage: pear Tdhec well and then added to the mixture of honey and eggs, mix well and then paint on the face taking care to avoid the area around the left eye mask for a period (15) minutes, then rinse with warm water
Mask starch for the treatment of macro-pores is used for the treatment of starch grain face and macro-pores and sunburn Mndva addition to being good for the skin * Ingredients: one tablespoon starch + a little warm water + a little olive oil. * Use: First, paint the skin with olive oil and then mixed with starch and water, then placed on the skin for 20 minutes and then rinsed with water warmth.
Mask option for the treatment of skin pallor option is characterized by its benefits of health and aesthetic most important of the many clear positive effect of the pores of astringent addition to the whitening effect on skin and get rid of halos under the eyes and black spots and impurities that affect the skin. * Ingredients: half a cup bleached option + egg whites + 2 tablespoon milk powder. * Method: mix ingredients well to the work of a thin paste and leave on face for 20 minutes and then rinse face with warm water and cold fresh orange mask of the skin characterized by the mask shown to refreshing the skin and can be used several times a week is suitable for all skin types. * Ingredients: orange juice, half + three tablespoons honey. * Use: heated honey with orange juice over low heat until it melts and leave to cool slightly, then placed on the face for twenty minutes and then wipe Qtunh drenched by warm water.
Mask barley stressful for the skin * Ingredients: 2 tablespoons powdered barley + 2 tablespoon of minced fresh mint paper + 2 tablespoon honey with two tablespoons of milk. * Usage: turn the barley, honey and mint with a fork then add the milk and put the mask on the skin for thirty minutes and then rinse face with cold water. . Yoghurt and mud mask to treat acne enter the yogurt in the preparation of many of the skincare and special masks to effect moisturizer, nutritious and used this mask for deep cleaning of the skin helps to remove the fatty skin, fat and rid of blackheads, acne and is used once a week failed to conduct even the skin of the drought. * Ingredients: 12 tablespoon yogurt + 2 tablespoon clay + 2 tablespoon water potatoes. * Use: There is mud on the skin in pharmacies, either to fetch water, potato water, which is climbing all the potato mix and placed on the skin for twenty minutes and then rinse face with warm water and put moisturizing cream for the skin.
This wonderful recipe!! * Ingredients: White flour 4 tablespoons of honey 2 tbsp white. Of milk 2 - 3 tbsp. * Method: Add the honey and the exact right amount of milk to make dough and then placed the dough on the skin for 30 minutes and then rinse face with warm water. This mask is one of the very old recipes for skin care that are reputed to use and beautiful princesses in the so -
Does it protect sunscreen against ultraviolet radiation?? There is no doubt that, since most of the sun protection products work by absorbing or reflection of UV on human skin and thereby prevent premature aging of the skin in addition to skin problems caused by the sun, but this does not mean that people spend too much time in the sun, Given the importance of condom use we have to choose a condom that fits with the type of skin, if your skin is normal to choose a protective sun is free of oils that Irdobaa at the same time and dispense with the use of moisturizer in order to avoid saddling them with and encumber. But if your skin (oily or mixed) Fastaini a preparation free of oils and protects against sun's harmful rays without blocking pores. It is recommended for dry skin moisturizer choosing the vehicle and the rich plant and the benefits of vitamin E with a condom. For sensitive skin you can choose protective lotions for the skin